Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

We hope all of our friends have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
We are thankful for so many things this year. Our mom & dad, our toys (mousey, pink ball especially), our cat trees, food, faucet water, tons of sleeping spots, family time, and cardboard.
We are already making our Christmas list...

Doesn't this picture look so cool? Mom made it that way! Mom says she is SO thankful for dad & us. We are thankful for you too, mom!

Monday, November 12, 2012


Or as mom likes to call it, a "manicure".

I happen to love doing my nails. I love to be well groomed. M&D think it's SO weird when I do this. Oscar never does it, and anybody who has seen me do this, says they've never seen another cat do this either. I *AM* very unique, but I am wondering; do any of you out there groom your nails like this? Or am I alone?